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Nutritional Analysis Report Through The DISC Report-Computer Generated Software.
This report analyzes your routine lab work from a nutritional standpoint. In other words, when you have blood work done by your doctor for a routine checkup, the laboratory ranges are for the doctor to diagnose disease. However, we use another set of ranges called optimum metabolic ranges or "nutritional ranges." An example would be a normal range of calcium for a female, 53 years old (8.5 - 10.5). An optimum range is 9.4 - 10.0. Therefore, we can start to correct the problem at a nutritional level rather than waiting for it to become a clinical problem or disease. The key to this report is that it will tally up how many indicators of stress there are on your organs and your nutritional needs.
For example, it would state that out of a possible 60 you have 12 indicators of calcium needed. There is a coronary risk report showing the ratio of cholesterol and HDL and where you are at risk for coronary artery disease. The report will give recommendations for a supplement program based on your symptom survey and also lab work. We use the program to guide us in recommending an eating program that will bring your chemistry into balance along with supplementation in the form of vitamins, herbs and homeopathy. This report takes your lab results to a new level providing you with the tools to keep improving your health.
" I have always tried to be health and vitamin conscious, but found it overwhelming to know where to begin and what to make priority when it came to nutrition. Advance Nutrition pin points what your body needs (or doesn't need) to function optimally and which supplements agree with your body. I have brought the supplements that I was taking to support my system only to have them tested and find out that my body was not able to utilize them efficiently because I was allergic to an ingredient. I have them test everything I take now as it makes no sense to spend money on a supplement that does not have a positive effect on your body. Thank you, Advanced Nutrition, for the work that you do. "
- Katya P.
Have a routine chem screen CBC with a differential panel and then fax or email the results to us. You will receive a 20 page report (approximate) with dietary recommendations and supplement recommendation.
1707 Victoria Commons, Suite 3
Langhorne Newtown Rd (route 413)
Langhorne, Pa 19047
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