Call us at: 215-497-9700
We are so excited to announce the Low Light Laser Induction Therapy (LLLT). We can see the possibilities that this New treatment will take many of our client's health to a new optimum level of health and healing!
Low Light Laser Induction Therapy (LLLT) is an exciting new treatment! Nancy and I both became certified in this therapy in Ashville, NC . This is a treatment in addition to our BioEnergetic testing that we already do in the office. There are 2 ways we will be using this therapy; the first way is for Dysbiosis (leaky gut) which is caused by food allergies. This treatment will help the body not over react to the allergic response thus improving the digestive system which will improve the immune system.
How the therapy process begins is with a test on the Spectra Vision (similar to your follow up visit). Then we take the results, imprint them in the laser and place the laser on your auricular (ear) points. You are actually receiving an acupressure laser treatment with homeopathy to heal your individual imbalances. This process is to be done in 3 sessions to keep it a gentle treatment and should be done in a timely matter such as once a week or every two weeks.
The second series is called EMOTOX BODY BALANCE. This is a 10 session series. This is to energetically create balance for all allergies; environmental, chemical, food, cat sensitivities and emotional responses. Some major points of understanding this process are: "The human body is a complex sensing organism with innate intelligence, capable of processing whatever stimuli enter its environment, towards sustaining homeostasis or balance. Self regulation of major systems and subsystems is critical to our overall wellbeing and so remarkable is the body’s drive to maintain balance that even in the face of extreme stress, we are often unaware of imbalance until the body’s coping mechanisms are overloaded and physical systems manifest themselves. For example, ailments such as ulcers, migraines, chronic fatigue and aching joints don’t develop overnight although they may express symptoms suddenly."
1) Allergies are emotional and neurologically based with biological relationships.
2) The solution can be resolved for many people by using the Laser (LLLT).
3) The laser treatment breaks the emotional link between memory & emotional link that is part of the bond in the immune system.
4) The laser reduces allergic response.
5) Reduces stress markers.
6) The size of so called detoxification funnels begin to reduce and become smaller and smaller with allergies. This process will open the pathways to detoxify.
We are looking forward to working with you at whatever level or series you are open to as this will make significant changes in your health. If you or your loved ones are feeling stuck with a health challenge, drop us a line and let us advise you.
" I've been living with Crohns disease since 1993. For the first 5 years, though the doctors did their jobs well enough, often it seemed like they were only guessing on how to treat my condition, after a severe flair up in 1998, I became terribly disillusioned by western medicine and their side effects. After much research my luck had changed in 1998 by meeting with the nutritionist at Advanced Nutrition. In the last 12 years they have educated and prescribed things that have given me the gift of quality and quantity of life. Without Advanced Nutrition there would be no Me! "
- Brett N.
Contact us at 215-497-9700 to setup an initial consultation.
1707 Victoria Commons, Suite 3
Langhorne Newtown Rd (route 413)
Langhorne, Pa 19047
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